Download Lilt and add it to the bottom of your file:
<script src=""></script> <script src="/path/to/lilt.js"></script>
Start Lilt on document load:
<script> $( document ).ready(function() { $().lilt(); }); </script>
Give any element the "lilt" class and you'll automatically get moving shadows on that element:
<div class="lilt"> Hello World </div>Adjust the look and feel of your shadows using data attributes:
<div class="lilt" data-horizontal-offset="-20px" data-blur-radius="40px" data-spread-radius="0px" data-shadow-color="#999" data-subtleness="10"> Hello World </div>Data attributes correspond to the box-shadow properties for CSS. The "data-subtleness" property is a property that controls how subtle the movement will be. The higher the number, the higher the subtlety.
Default attributes of lilt shadows are as follows (remember to add 'data-' in front of the name if setting them through data attributes):
Attribute Name | Default | Description |
horizontal-offset | -20px | horizontal offset of shadow |
blur-radius | 40px | blur radius of shadow |
spread-radius | 0px | positive values increase the size of the shadow, negative values decrease the size |
shadow-color | #999999 | color of the shadow |
subtleness | 7 | subtlety of movement; the higher the number the less it will move. |
<script> $( document ).ready(function() { $().lilt({ 'shadow-color': 'red', 'horizontal-offset': '15px' }); }); </script>Data attributes will always take precedence over defaults.